99% of people are wrong

Everyone loves to give you advice. It's their favorite thing to do. Critique your life, your thoughts, your actions. Tell you how YOU should live, what YOU should do. Or, given ideal circumstances and absolutely no obstacles, what they would do because they are so smart.

Criticism is cheap and risks nothing. People can lob judgmental, non-productive (at best), counterproductive most often, that offers nothing in the way of progress. That is the lowest form of communication and participation. It’s cynical, resentful and jealous.

Its the bucket of crabs pulling the one succeeding back down into the muck to join them so they can sit back and say “See? I told you so.” So they don’t have to feel ashamed that they gave up at best, or never even tried at worst.

People all have different desires and goals in life (kind of) and all have had different experiences that have led them to this point in their life. We are a sum of all of our past experiences and no one can possibly know the sum of your experiences. By definition, most people’s advice (most, not all) will be wrong for you.

No one knows what makes you happy. Most people don’t even know what makes them happy.

Everyone is at a different stage of consciousness and development. Some are scarred from having risked it all and losing badly. Others have never risked a thing, truly risked, in their entire life. What is evident is the state of their current affairs. You can tell those that are happy, vs unhappy, following a dream vs running a lifeless script, those that are conscious vs unconscious, living with purpose opposed to living aimless. Why would you take their criticism or advice? 

Scarcity mindset rules the 99%. Unquestioned conditioning rules the 99%. The 99% are blissfully ignorant, arguably, but certainly willfully ignorant. Becoming conscious of their current position and even the remotest understanding of their possible potential would shatter their (flawed, but comfortable) self-image and they would have to admit they have been living in the wrong and without purpose. Wasting life. Choosing to ignore their calling.

If only 1% of people are wealthy, why would you take financial advice from the 99%?

If most people are observably unhappy, why would you take advice from most people? Avoid the unhappy and unlucky.

If true courage, authenticity and incendiary passion are scarce, why would you listen to the masses?

You should have a delusional sense of confidence. Arrogance. Belief in yourself. The “Watch me” attitude.

You can tell when you are on the right path. You’ll hear things like “you’re crazy” “it will never work” “no ones ever been able to do that” “its impossible” “why would you do that” “What's wrong with your current life/the way things are” “that's dumb”. Those aren’t fair or constructive criticism, they are seeds of doubt from your neighbors that are being tossed into the wind with hopes that they will land in your garden (brain) and grow into poison. Actively identify people that use these terms and quarantine them from your ideas. You know what group they belong in, the 99%, the unhappy, the scared and cowardly.

Vehemently seek to find the 1%, the happy, the courageous. And listen to the words they use. “That's an interesting idea” “you should connect with this person, they’ve had similar thoughts” “that's exciting” “I’ve never thought of it that way” “here is a similar experience of mine and how i handled it”. Collect those people like treasures of a lost civilization. Because they are. Instead of throwing seeds of doubt into the wind that will hopefully land in your garden, they will shower your garden and already planted seed of hope with encouragement, connection, experience and motivation.

99% of people are wrong. They are unhappy, lazy, resentful, jealous, broke, unimaginative and actively trying to make sure that you are, too. If they can convince you to join them, then it’s validation for their unhappiness and they don’t have to change. But, if you break through and become part of the 1% of people that are happy, motivated, courageous, imaginative and wealthy, you will become a mirror of truth that their reality and that they are living a lie.

99% of people are wrong. Don’t listen to them. Find and listen to the 1%. Become happy, motivated, courageous, imaginative and wealthy. Then shine like a beacon of light for those in the 99% that DO want to change

We are leaders of men

Now go get it.

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